Being In The Hand of God

Sunday, May 21, 2006

May 21 - Cairns Base Hospital

Today Bobb was pleased because he got phone calls from both his brother and his parents. He responded and was happy to hear from them. Keep up the phone calls - he enjoys hearing from everyone. The phone # is (Australian Country Code) then 7 4040 7981

He is struggling with the feeding tube - it is really irritating his throat. We are praying that early this next week that when the speech therapist comes that she feels he can eat enough so we can get the feeding tube removed. His stomach has also been hurting him considerably.

He is doing well, though he has periods of depression. Understandable, but God continues to encourage him each day.

There isn't a whole lot more news today other than some couples from the local AOG church came and visited and prayed with him again today, and he always appreciates that. I also took in the computer and read him e-mails that people had sent. He was quite emotional and overwhelmed by the caring and prayers being sent out for him.

We are working on his attention span and vision field deficits on the left side and they seem to be getting a little better too.

I have gotten a book we can read and some one also brought in He Still Moves Stones by Max Lucado that we will read together too.

As Bobb said as he hung up the phone with his brother today "thats all folks!"
Hear my prayer, O Lord; listen to my cry for mercy, IN the day of my trouble I will call to you, for you will answer me. Psalm 86:6-7


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