Being In The Hand of God

Thursday, August 03, 2006

August 3 2006-committments

Well one week has gone by since Bobb was released from the hospital. We have been staying with friends for a while as the house is still not finished. Everyone is working hard, but people have other things to do also including us :-)

During that week Bobb has fallen twice -(last weekend). He has been more under control since, but is more sure of his abilities than he should be. He has made great strides and wants independence, and thats what the rest of us want too, but if he breaks something then we are back to square one. And it isn't always easy to get him off the floor :-)

To explain the house. Its an old farmhouse and its been around for a while. While they were working on one wall they took out newspapers from 1886. So much of the remodel is from almost scratch - to get proper insulation in, walls, etc. It belongs to my Dad and Mom and most things have to go through them and my father has done most of the work for personal reasons, but he also runs a ranch so there are other obligations that have had to be done in the process. I am working on the tiling as of yesterday and hope to get more done tomorrow. We will also need to get a safe path through some of the rest of the remodel so he can get to the bathroom.

There are others who we are VERY, VERY, thankful too, for funds and physical labor to build a deck and ramp so Bobb could even get into the house in the first place.

Today was Bobb's first day in water therapy and it was a very good session. They were able to get muscles they hadn't been able to get active response for in the water - such as his hamstrings. That will help in building the muscles that loosens your knee so you can bend your lower leg to walk.

We use the drive to work on speech therapy, language learning (scripture memorization - slow, slow :-) etc.

I also learned this week, that the insurance company Aetna that Wycliffe will use to administer our insurance after October 1 only has preferred providers in Walla Walla, there are NONE in Union, or Wallowa County - so they are the closest anyway. I had hoped to at least be able to move some of the physical therapy to our local hospital, but they are not in the Aetna network :-(

So as you can see we are still in need of prayer. I still am not sleeping well. So I am tired. That is NOT helpful. I am cranky! Bobb continues to work hard, even though progress for me is painfully slow, he continues on and on.

The daily living will be the hardest and learning to develop "normal" patterns that work for us.

I know God has a plan for this and we have the hope that is in us to lean on.

Thank you all who take the time to read my ramblings and pray so ernestly for us.

For everything comes from him and exists by his power and is intended for his glory. All glory to him forever! Amen Rom 11:36.

I just don't feel very much like I'm presenting any glory for God here, just frustrations. Pray for me and for Bobb and for the girls and especially for Lane who is lost. Praise that Laramie will be here for a week to see his Dad!!!! Only through the good gifts of the Father in heaven.


  • Hi you two, yes, you are giving glory to God. Clyde is speaking in church tommorow. He pointed out that in the Psalms there is a lot of complaining going on and nowadays people just picke the nice part of the pslam and make a song out of it. However for centuries the church sang songs like, "I pour out my complaint to you oh Lord". That is a nice biblical thing to do: pour out a complaint to God. On the insurance thing: if no one is in the preferred area I believe you get an option to use an out of the network person. I am 99% this is true and have had to do it in the past.
    Bobb, keep on doing stuff. If I believed what I was told years ago I'd be full time in that chair, not walk, not have kid, and not be doing what I am doing today. If you fall, try to land on Kayleen. This will encourage her to eat more as I think she is not doing that enough. Lemme know if and when you want Dragon. Try getting a three pronged cane with sharp tips so you can get your way with family members by stomping on them. For a short time they will probably buy the idea this is an accident so take advantage of this before they wise up.
    We love and pray for your. Never give up, never give up, never give up (Winston Churchill's shortest speech ever) Love from your Sicilian tribe.....

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:02 AM  

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