Being In The Hand of God

Thursday, August 17, 2006

August 17 - Plugging Away

Sorry its been a while since I updated the blog - but we cherish each of you who take the time to come and look and pray for our needs which are always many and varied!

We continue to travel to Walla Walla for appointments on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday's. The staff at St. Mary's is excellent and dedicated to seeing the best outcome.

With the bathroom renovation still going on (though it is closer to being finished :-), its been extremely difficult to keep up all the things that need to be kept up with. Laramie ended up paying extra because he needed information from me to finish his registration and had to reregister since we didn't meet the deadline. UUUGH. Insurance wants information, Social Security wants information, and an unlimited amount of other things seem to be piling up that I just can't seem to get too. We work from early in the morning whether its traveling, or doing therapy, or renovations until 7 or 8 o'clock at night and by then I'm so exhausted I can hardly manage. To just think about sitting at the computer is more than I have been able to handle - as you all have noticed. Some days I am doing good, optomistic and ready to face the world. The Lord is walking beside us and staying close, and other days, everything seems beyond my control, emotional, and the Lord far away and a pitying Kayleen is the only thing that can be found :-) I know He knows my every emotion, my every failure, and when I pass mustard, and He is ok with who and how I am, though He is in the business of perfecting me. I can't speak for Bobb, but I can for me.

Bobb continues to have a good attitude, now if his wife would be more upbeat he'd probably do a whole lot better.

We had a good visit with Laramie this past week and praise the Lord for the gifts that made that possible. I think it helped Laramie understand how things are and how better to pray and help. He spent much of the week under the house working on leveling it. It was a bit scary at times, but he kept plugging away. He also came to two days of therapy and saw first hand what was going on in therapy and whether it might be something he might enjoy doing as a profession. I believe his conclusion was yes.

Bobb slowly progresses and its been nice to hear some of the therapists confirm that even though we see nothing dramatic from the outside, muscles are starting little responses and hopefully they can be built upon (pray so - please), and his pronouns are getting better, and he has things to his advantage, though its so slow and painful (he repeats what you ask him, he can read (albiet very slowly), and a willingsness to keep trying), The doctor we saw today also gave us some suggestions on how to build on some of his other skills. The pool therapy has been something he really enjoys, now if we could find some zipper water socks that will fit over his afo so we don't have to wear his $180 dollar shoes on the pool deck and have them get wet every time we are there, because he has to put his wet afo and feet back in them.

We are thankful to Neil and Diane for allowing us to live in their home over the last several weeks. I think our group took over a bit, but they have been gracious and kind through it all.

And now dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. Philippians 4:8 Pray for me to be reminded of this every day and that I will not go off into other pathways that are not at all productive.

Oh you all are such a blessing!


  • Hey Kayleen and Bobb,

    Just wanted to send a quick note to say hi and we're praying for you. We had Bible Study last night at Bradshaws' and remembered you and your family in our prayer time. Thanks for taking the time to post the updates. Kayleen, I know you feel like your responses aren't always as godly as you'd like but YOU ARE a testimony to all who read!
    Paul and Marcia

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:31 AM  

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