Almost a year later---HELP! :-)
This year has had a lot of up's and downs - I even doubt there will be too many who come here any more and see if I've done a post. I guess maybe I ought to get better at it. Anyway, after November of last year - we did a lot of traveling back and forth to Seattle to a Vascular Neurologist and a lot of tests - some of which were repeats of old ones - and a lot of medical bills later---It was determined that Bobb probably had a Carotid dissection - an injury to the carotid that had narrowed it and that was probably why he had the stroke. He doesn't have vessels clogged up or anything else any where else in his body so thats what they think the most likely cause was be deduction. But...we have 2 cardiologists and two neurologist all say that he doesn't need or shouldn't be on coumidin - only aspirin and as we get further away from the original stroke with no new strokes the more likely he won't have another one. God is the only one that knows that for sure. Bobb's ability to communicate continues to improve. He jokes with friends, does fantasy football with the guys, participates in a men's bible study called High Quest and those men talk about how much Bobb has been a witness and inspiration to them, he helps around the kitchen, does the lawn, does the laundry, and continues to work hard at improving his language, walking and keeps his hand from atrophying in a fist. He loves the Lord wholeheartedly and says he's better than before. He's looking forward to his oldest daughters wedding and giving her away to AJ Holliday on October 3, 2009. Yes 2 weddings in little over a year - don't know if I can take much more :-) She will be moving to Australia after the wedding :-( Oh sad day for Mom and Dad. Bobb LOVES his girls - well the boys too, but the girls he's protective of. He still struggles to write a good sentence - its hard work. But...He has passed all of the requirements to be an independent driver again - The state of Oregon has all they need - eye test (passed) written test (passed) driving test (passed) and medical clearance because the medication is effective for the seizures that started in the summer of 08. We had a wonderful driving trip in June 09--5400 miles to see friends and the kids - Laramie and Christina in Texas and Lance and Jen in California. It was quite a loop. We also talked to friends and departments in Duncanville at SIL. We were trying to decide if moving to Texas might be an option for us ----but....I'm feeling the most stable I've felt in 3 years and Bobb having to start over when his support system is fairly solid here just seems too much yet for us to start over again so am looking for Wycliffe Alternatives here in the NW for now plus trying to raise another $1100 monthly support will take a while also if that is the route we take at some point.. We are hoping and praying we can raise $7000 or more to be able to return to PNG in the Summer of 10 (BOBB HAS APPROVAL TO TRAVEL!!!!) We really want to be at the MOLIMA Bible Dedication in July and see how Bobb tolerates PNG. And...added bonus we can stop in Australia and see LiChel and AJ :-) I think I need some encouragement and hand holding and help trying to get a presentation together to be able to go to our churches. Anybody out there want to help? Contribute? :-)
The Lord is Sovereign as a friend told me today - and don't we know it. Even if we don't like the changes in our lives - he is still God and loves us. Thank you Lord for NEVER letting go, even when some of us slip.....
THANK YOU ALL FOR PRAYING ----CONTINUE Cause Bobb always would like more improvement and changes, but takes what he is given :-) Love to you all.
The Lord is Sovereign as a friend told me today - and don't we know it. Even if we don't like the changes in our lives - he is still God and loves us. Thank you Lord for NEVER letting go, even when some of us slip.....
THANK YOU ALL FOR PRAYING ----CONTINUE Cause Bobb always would like more improvement and changes, but takes what he is given :-) Love to you all.
Labels: Trip to PNG, update, Weddings
Thanks for the update- your in our prayers.
By Alan, at 11:45 AM
I'm so glad I checked your blog tonight! Hope everything went well at the wedding.
Praying for you again as you face more decisions.
Kristina Schmidt in AK
By Kristina, at 1:49 AM
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