Being In The Hand of God

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Beginning Ability Camp

Well we have made it to Ability Camp and this is day 3. It was quite a trip to here. We got stuck in Denver for 7 hours when we were suppose to be there about an hour. Then when we got to Toronto we had about a 3 hours drive. We got to Picton at like 1:30 or 2:00 a.m. and had to go grocery shopping at an all night market. We were soooooo tiried. Bobb arrived with his legs pretty swollen, but a nights sleep helped that.

He has started Conductive Education and Hyperbaeric Oxygen. He seems to be pleased with what he is learning and they have made him put up his cane. He hasn't used his cane now for 2 days. He limps a lot, but he moves along.

I haven't went in to the Conductive Education yet and they keep the door closed, but they make them work. There is a Chiropractor of about 76, a woman from Syracuse, N.Y, a widow and about the same age as the Chiropractor, an English professor (50) who had a stroke only 11 weeks ago, and a couple of other people, but 3 of them counting Bobb have no use of their left hands and are walking slowly or in a wheelchair. One guys speech is extremely slurred, the other lady can talk just fine. Bobb is not the only one with aphasia - one women comes for hyperbaerics only and she has no speech other than yes or no. But they live close and are not staying here at the camp.

The kids are all ages from a 13 month old to a 12 year old. The mothers (and Dad's) work very hard for their kids and to keep hope alive. There is one woman here with her son Adeeb who was raised Hindu and married a muslim and they are from Trinidad. There is a man and his wife from Saudia Arabia with their daughter. The mother speaks no english and the dad does not come out to socialize very much - they are muslim. There is a young mom here from Portland, Oregon with child #3 who is morman. One women who's 2 year old drowned and was brought back to life, but with brain damage about 7 months ago. She is still going through the grieving process and one young mother with her daughter Keyley who has been here 2 or 3 times before with her daughter so she knows all the ropes.

Pray for us and them as we all work together to grow in skill and as much normalcy as can be obtained.

Pray for Bobb's endurance and his light to shine! They all think he's a pretty nice guy - go figure :-)

One of the caregivers (to the english prof), and I walked to Lake Ontario today - it is REALLY big :-) It was sunny and crisp :-) Enjoy the daffodils for me :-)

Pray!!! Thanks!
Bobb and Kayleen



  • Interesting to know.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:34 PM  

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