Being In The Hand of God

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

24 May - A more optimistic day :-)

Bobb was more alert today, wide-eyed and bushy tailed (well kinda :-) We had a very pleasant day together. He'd had the Echocardiogram today. Was able to express some personal needs today which helped his stomach and how he felt a lot. And we talked to the doctor about when he saw Bobb able to be moved and what he wanted to see in his transportation. He will probably be moved down to rehab in about a week and then able to fly home in two weeks. The insurance company will handle all that from what I understand. We are praying that funds come in so Lane can come and help me with his dad and do some other things - possibly bring the girls home. The final decisions haven't exactly been made yet.

We haven't seen the physio for almost a week now - which I expressed to Dr. Archer so I hope we see her tomorrow so we can do whatever we need to begin to help him develop what he needs.

Bobb's attitude is good except for the food - he says "yuck" a lot. The dr was going to add additional antidepressants but when he looked at Bobb and saw that he smiled and was pleasant he decided to leave him on a low dose. Another friend who saw him yesterday that she would continue to pray that he kept his sweet spirit. He prayed before his meal tonight and prayed again out loud when I left this evening and I finish the prayer. I understood "Father" and "Amen", but that was enough. I told him all was well because his kisser still worked :-) He laughed and gave me another kiss.

I will praise you, O Lord my God, with all my heart; I will glorify your name forever. For great is your love toward me; you have delivered me (Bobb), from the depths of the grave. Psalm 86:12-13


  • As part of the Discovery accounting team from 2005, I had the privilege of working some with Bobb. News trickles back to me in the States sometimes. I was saddened to hear about the change in your lives, but I have been praying for you. I pray that God will grant you His comfort, peace, wisdom and healing.

    In His grace,


    By Blogger twinstigator, at 8:08 PM  

  • Just letting you know we care. Good to read that Bobb had a better day. Probably means you had a better day too Kayleen. Pray that was the case. We are all keeping you both in our prayers.

    God's blessings,

    Peter and Glenda

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:36 PM  

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