Being In The Hand of God

Sunday, February 20, 2011

The 5th year!

We are coming up on the 5th anniversary of Bobb's stroke this year. It continues to impact us in so many ways, mostly because of the aphasia (loss of language) Its such a profound disability - this lack of being able to communicate on any sort of deep level. We have adapted and made it work for us - though there continues to be days when neither of us have the energy to figure out the communication barrier. Which then makes me feel guilty and him feel bad. Life as we know it will never be the same, but.....we do trust that God is sovereign and that He has a plan in all that Bobb has lived through. He loves the Lord and worships Him fully and communicates with Him on a better level than any of us I think. He has had to rely on Him when his whole rest of his world has been upside down, crooked, backwards and plain misunderstood trusting that the Lord knows him whether the rest of us understand him or not :-) We are thankful that he isn't as locked out of language as other sufferers of aphasia. He can and does continue to develop new skills and cognitive abilities as time goes by. The struggle is not giving up even though things seem so impossible. With God and the skills God has gifted others with we continue on working for ways for Bobb to cope with one arm, a leg that never quite functions correctly and speech that fails him often. These people and friends and family we could not have done without over the years! They have been the hands and feet and care of the Lord for us. Now we are moving out from our little place here in Wallowa County and seeing how the Lord will have us serve our local community and beyond. We have been able to see so many people in the past few months and we are so thankful for the role that God has give us. We are so glad in that no matter where we are there are the family of Christ and our hearts meet together. Praise to the Father for all His Good Gifts. Thanks

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